Account details
Trading Platforms: | MT4 |
Base Currency: | USD, EUR |
Negative Balance Protection: | Yes |
Lowest Spread: | 0.2 |
Hedging Allowed: | Yes |
Retail Leverage: | up to 1:30 |
Professional Leverage: | up to 1:100 |
Commission (Forex, CFD on Metals, Indexes, Commodities, Crypto): |
0.007% |
Commission (CFD on Stocks, ETF): | 0.1% |
Min. deposit: | $/€100 |
Floating margin requirements with high leverage for professional clients (except CFDs on Stocks, Cryptos)
CFDs on Currencies
The Forex market is the world's largest market for currency trading. Forex CFDs allow investors to trade on currency price movements without owning them.
CFDs on Indices
Indexes, like the S&P 500 and NASDAQ, serve as benchmarks to track the performance of a market or an asset class. CFDs on indexes enable trading on these benchmarks without owning the actual stocks.
CFDs on Commodities
Commodities are raw materials, e.g., gold and oil. CFDs on commodities let investors trade on price movements without holding the items.
CFDs on Stocks
CFDs on stocks let traders trade on company share price movements without owning the shares.
CFDs on ETFs
ETFs are baskets of investments such as stocks or bonds. CFDs on ETFs allow investing in the ETFs’ prices without owning the ETF shares.
CFDs on Crypto
Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are digital assets. CFDs on crypto allow investors to gain exposure to crypto prices without holding the coins.