Aviso de risco: Os CFDs são instrumentos complexos e apresentam um elevado risco de perda rápida de dinheiro devido à alavancagem. 66.58% das contas de pequenos investidores perdem dinheiro ao negociar CFDs com este fornecedor. Deve considerar se compreende o funcionamento dos CFD e se pode correr o risco elevado de perder o seu dinheiro.
27 Apr 2018, 14:44

Dear Customers!

Please, note that due to technical reasons, since May 1, 2018 Latvijas Pasta Bank temporarily suspends the withdrawal of funds to bank cards of the Visa payment system.

To withdraw funds through Latvijas Pasta Bank, you can still use bank cards with support of the Mastercard payment system or any other method of withdrawing funds.

The current options of depositing and withdrawing of personal funds from your account is always available in your Personal Area.

Good luck trading!

Your TeleTrade


Latvijas Posta Bank