Avertisment de risc: CFD-urile sunt instrumente complexe și prezintă un risc ridicat de pierdere rapidă a banilor din cauza efectului de levier. 68.93% dintre conturile de retail ale investitorilor pierd bani atunci când tranzacționează CFD-uri cu acest furnizor. Ar trebui să vă gândiți dacă înțelegeți cum funcționează CFD-urile și dacă vă puteți permite să vă asumați riscul ridicat de a vă pierde banii.
13 Oct 2022, 15:53

Dear clients,

In an effort to further improve our services, we are glad to announce that trading on CFDs on Cryptocurrencies will become available on a 24/7 basis, conditions apply as per below, starting from Monday, October 17th, 2022.

Kindly note that in addition to regular short session breaks which may be applied during the weekend for technical purposes, the Company reserves the right to temporarily halt trading further during the same period, without prior notice for emergency maintenance reasons. For details on the session breaks please refer to the product specifications in the trading platform.

Moreover, please be informed that there may be occasional periods during the weekend during which trading may be temporarily unavailable, in order to accommodate maintenance and technical works on the side of our providers.

The Company shall make every reasonable effort to receive such information in advance and notify you accordingly.

Kind Regards,

The TeleTrade Team

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