Avertisment de risc: CFD-urile sunt instrumente complexe și prezintă un risc ridicat de pierdere rapidă a banilor din cauza efectului de levier. 68.93% dintre conturile de retail ale investitorilor pierd bani atunci când tranzacționează CFD-uri cu acest furnizor. Ar trebui să vă gândiți dacă înțelegeți cum funcționează CFD-urile și dacă vă puteți permite să vă asumați riscul ridicat de a vă pierde banii.
12 Oct 2015, 15:35

Earn participation in Sopot Wave Final Business League Sailing - TeleTrade About 500 guests attended the event in Sopot Business League Final Wave Sailing organized by the Prestiż magazine marking the end of the summer and sailing season. The meeting was the opportunity to establish new valuable business contacts via networking. The program was enriched by a fashion show and a concert of Reni Jusis, closing ceremony of the Business League organized by GSC Sailing Yachting, presentations of the latest BMW models supplied by Bavaria Motors.

In organizing the event helped:

- GSC Yachting, Bar4You, Komers International, Perlage, Event Tech, Aqua Park and Pick & Roll, Hairdresser ExcellentQ, Pomeranian School of Visual Arts Mat-studio, Michał Starost, Tomasz Podsiadły, Maciej Grabowski from Henri Lloyd, and Radio Eska.

Sponsors Sopot Wave: Klif Mall, the Samsung Brand Store Gallery Baltic, BMW Bavaria Motors, Lotto, Premium Sound, Medical Center Dr. Kubik, Pennyblack, Tru Trussardi, Henri Lloyd and Olympia Group (Marella, Patrizia Pepe, Versace, Escada Sport).

Echoes of the event in Sopot Wave does not sleeping. Prestiż Editors put the first gallery and consecutively a second, dedicated part of the business and also fashion Wave Sopot. Presented on the catwalk fall - winter collections of such brands as Marella, Patrizia Pepe, Escada Sport, Versace, Henri Lloyd, Pennyblack and Tru Trussardi.

Events of this type, is an opportunity to establish future cooperation. Top Markets Solutions Ltd. Representative Office in Poland was represented by Robert Łasek Director Strategy and Development, Dmytro Horodchuk International Development Manager, Maciej Orlowski Introduction Broker. We were asked to interview for Radio Eska. Maciej Orłowski is also representative of See You Up Ltd. cooperating with us. Representatives of the Earn have the opportunity to explain not only what they do, but what their business products are different from others.

Robert Łasek Director Strategy and Development said - that everything we do is based on a completely different thinking than the statute quo (more). The way you change the world, relies on innovative business products based on the statute quale more quality that are easy to use and comfortable to the user. It just so happens that we are the authors of SyncTrading tool that allows you to copy transactions, the most successful Forex traders. It is ideal for people who do not have the experience or time to trade on international financial markets, but interesting to make money.

In particular, we wish to thank Mr Jakub Jakubowski chief editor of the Prestiż magazine unique for inviting us to Sopot Wave, where which we have met many business partners, excellent sailors and Yacht Club friends.

Author Art. Robert Łasek

Earn participation in Sopot Wave Final Business League Sailing Earn participation in Sopot Wave Final Business League Sailing Earn participation in Sopot Wave Final Business League Sailing Earn participation in Sopot Wave Final Business League Sailing Earn participation in Sopot Wave Final Business League Sailing Earn participation in Sopot Wave Final Business League Sailing