Avertisment de risc: CFD-urile sunt instrumente complexe și prezintă un risc ridicat de pierdere rapidă a banilor din cauza efectului de levier. 68.93% dintre conturile de retail ale investitorilor pierd bani atunci când tranzacționează CFD-uri cu acest furnizor. Ar trebui să vă gândiți dacă înțelegeți cum funcționează CFD-urile și dacă vă puteți permite să vă asumați riscul ridicat de a vă pierde banii.
27 Mar 2015, 10:40

FxCuffs 2015 On the 13th and 14th of March 2015, Earn participated in the high-status FxCuffs event, which was organised by Consilium Invest. Every year an awards ceremony takes place with the aim to summarise the past year’s trends on the foreign exchange market and to honour individuals and institutions with the biggest influence on the development of the industry in Poland. Due to the rapid and dynamic development of Earn in the country, the company was not only invited to participate in the event, but had the great honour to be nominated for the main award.

The awards committee evaluated the performance of the fastest growing brokers in the Forex industry. Mr. Mieczyslaw Lewinski was appointed to be TeleTrade’s representative in Poland. Through the voting process, the committee decided on the winners of the seven main categories:

  • Polish Broker of the Year
  • Foreign Broker of the Year
  • Blog of the Year
  • Product of the Year
  • Personality of the Year
  • Event of the Year

Based on the number of votes cast, Earn was nominated in the category Foreign Broker of the Year. The prestigious award presented was a statuette of a cuff carved into a rock, decorated with an amber buckle, designed by the Krakowian artist Marek Stankiewicz.

The event was under the aegis of the President of the City of Kraków, with a lot of institutions taking part, including the City of Kraków, the Association of Individual Investors, the Comparic.pl, Consiliuminvest.pl and forexClub.pl portals, as well as the industry magazines Trend and Kapitałowy.

The awards ceremony was held after the completion of the exhibition and the conference that took part earlier. The main star of the conference was Jack Schwager. Top Markets Solutions Ltd had one of the two main stands at the Forex exhibition that enjoyed a great interest among investors. The attendees had a great opportunity to gain valuable information about the Earn products, to learn more about the company, to talk to Earn specialists about the Forex market and to take advantage of special promotions.

Earn gave away special prizes to three lucky attendees:

Mr. Piotr Krystek won the first prize of $5,000 and the chance to drive a Lamborghini.

Mr. Andrzej Dziedzic won the second prize of $3,000 and a glider ride.

Mr. Marcin Miętki won the third prize of $1,000 and a bungee jumping experience.

In commenting about the event, the company’s management stated that “We would like to thank all for your trust and devotion in our brand. Your loyalty motivates us to continually improve the quality of our services for the benefit of our individual investors”.

About TeleTrade:

Founded in 1994, Earn is a truly global brand. With over 200 offices in 30 countries, the company is a leader in online trading of financial instruments, with numerous industry and business awards. Top Markets Solutions Ltd is licensed and regulated by CySEC, and operates in compliance with MiFID.

FxCuffs 2015

FxCuffs 2015

FxCuffs 2015

FxCuffs 2015

FxCuffs 2015

FxCuffs 2015

FxCuffs 2015

FxCuffs 2015

FxCuffs 2015

FxCuffs 2015

FxCuffs 2015

FxCuffs 2015