Avertisment de risc: CFD-urile sunt instrumente complexe și prezintă un risc ridicat de pierdere rapidă a banilor din cauza efectului de levier. 68.93% dintre conturile de retail ale investitorilor pierd bani atunci când tranzacționează CFD-uri cu acest furnizor. Ar trebui să vă gândiți dacă înțelegeți cum funcționează CFD-urile și dacă vă puteți permite să vă asumați riscul ridicat de a vă pierde banii.
17 Dec 2010, 10:30

Earn won the prestigious National Award «Company of the Year», which is awarded annually for the most influential achievements in the business field. Earn awarded a special prize «For the Safety and Stability». Such title is awarded for companies that are most open and responsible policy with regard to their clients.

Solemn ceremony was held on 7 December 2010 in the Hall of Columns. The event was attended by the leading representatives of Russia business circles, major political figures and mass media representatives. The main purpose of the Prize - a positive image establishing of the domestic business.

Earlier, at a specialized exhibition «MOSCOW FOREX EXPO 2010» Earn received awards «Broker of the Year» and «Best CFD Broker».