Avertisment de risc: CFD-urile sunt instrumente complexe și prezintă un risc ridicat de pierdere rapidă a banilor din cauza efectului de levier. 68.93% dintre conturile de retail ale investitorilor pierd bani atunci când tranzacționează CFD-uri cu acest furnizor. Ar trebui să vă gândiți dacă înțelegeți cum funcționează CFD-urile și dacă vă puteți permite să vă asumați riscul ridicat de a vă pierde banii.
21 Oct 2014, 09:15

Dear Earn clients,

Due to the upcoming daylight saving time clock changes in Europe and the USA, the CFDs trading schedule will be changed.

The daylight saving time ends in Europe on the 26th of October 2014.

The new CFDs trading schedule will become effective from the 27th of October 2014.

Instruments Ticker Opening and Closing Time of Trading Sessions
CFD on currencies USDRUR 09-00 22-50
CAC40 Index Futures CAC40Z4 09-00 19-15
FTSE 100 Index Futures FTSE100Z4 10-00 19-30
DAX® Futures (FDAX) FDAXZ4 09-00 23-00
IBEX 35 Index Futures IBXZ4 10-00 21-00
European Stocks (XETRA) BMW, DBK, SIE, VOW3 10-00 18-30

Time of trading sessions - Earn trading time (UTC+2)

The daylight saving time ends in the USA on the 2nd of November 2014.

The new CFDs trading schedule will become effective from the 3rd of November 2014.

Instruments Ticker Opening and Closing Time of Trading Sessions
E-mini S&P 500 Futures ESZ4 Mon.: 01:00-23:15, 23:30-24:00
Tue. – Thu.: 00:00-00:30, 01:00-23:15, 23:30-24:00
Fr.: 00:00-00:30, 01:00-23:00
E-mini NASDAQ-100 Futures NQZ4 Mon.: 01:00-23:15, 23:30-24:00
Tue. - Thu.: 00:00-00:30, 01:00-23:15, 23:30-24:00
Fr.: 00:00-00:30, 01:00-23:00
E-mini Dow ($5) Futures YMZ4 Mon.: 01:00-23:15, 23:30-24:00
Tue. – Thu.: 00:00-00:30, 01:00-23:15, 23:30-24:00
Fr.: 00:00-00:30, 01:00-23:00
DLight Sweet Crude Oil CLZ4 Mon.: 01:00-24:00
Tue. - Thu.: 00:00-00:15; 01:00-24:00
Fr.: 00:00-00:15; 01:00-23:00
Stocks ALL ( except BMW, DBK, SIE, VOW3) Mon.- Thu.: 16:30-23:00

Time of trading sessions - Earn trading time (UTC+2)

Terms of trade for these instruments will be published on the website.

Earn wishes you successful trading!